Alfredo Di Stefano Real Madrid Personal Letter of Congratulations For Winning The Super Ballon D’or Winner – 1989
Rare personal letter of congratulations to Alfredo Di Stefano from Real Madrid for receiving the Super Ballon D'Or trophy in 1989
Alfredo is the only player in the history of football to receive this prestigious award
Letter is on official Real Madrid headed paper with club details and embossed Real Madrid badge at the top.
Letter dated , December 26th 1989
Letter reads :
26 de diciembre de 1989
Sr. D Alfredo Di Stefano
Pedro Muguruza, 6
Querido Alfredo :
A todos los integrantes de este club y a mi personalmente, nos ha producido una gran satisfaccion que le hayan concedido el "super balon de Oro" como el "Mejor Jugador de todos los tiempos" , sobre todo des pues de haber tenido la suerte de verle actuar duran te once anos defendiendo los colores del Real Madrid con la mayor ilusion y entrega y tener la conviccion y certeza de que es el reconocimiento, justo y mereci do, a una trayectoria deportiva inigualable. por una vez, en esta mundo del futbol, !!se ha hecho justicia!!
Tenemos tambien la completa seguridad de que esta distincion ha causado gran alegria a toda la masa de seguidores madridistas repartidos por la geografia espanola, que tambien tuvieron la satisfaccion de verle jugar y conseguir toda una serie de triunfos y titulos que engrandecieron el historial del Real Madrid.
En nombre de todos le dirijo ahora estas lineas para hacerle llegar la mas cordial y sincera felicitacion, con los mejores deseos de que siga cosechando exitos en su actual faceta de tecnico, en la que igualmente ha demostrado sus grandes conocimientos de este deporte.
Reiterandole nuestra enhorabuena, reciba un cordial abrazo de su afectisimo.
Fdo: Manuel Fernandez Trigo
December 26, 1989
Mr. D Alfredo Di Stefano
Pedro Muguruza, 6
Dear Alfredo:
To all the members of this club and to me personally, it has given us great satisfaction that they have awarded him the "super ballon d'or" as the "Best Player of all time", especially after having been lucky enough to see him acting for eleven years defending the colors of Real Madrid with the greatest enthusiasm and dedication and having the conviction and certainty that it is the recognition, just and deserved, of an unmatched sporting career. for once, in this world of soccer, justice has been done !!
We also have the complete assurance that this distinction has caused great joy to the entire mass of Madrid fans distributed throughout the Spanish geography, who also had the satisfaction of seeing him play and achieve a series of triumphs and titles that enhanced the history of Real Madrid .
On behalf of all of you, I now direct you these lines to send you the most cordial and sincere congratulations, with the best wishes that you continue to achieve success in your current role as a technician, in which you have also demonstrated your great knowledge of this sport.
Reiterating our congratulations, receive a warm hug from his affectionate.
Signed: Manuel Fernandez Trigo
Incredibly rare item coming from the personal collection of Alfredo Di Stefano
Museum example item

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“Di Stefano was the most important player in the history of Real Madrid and the best footballer of all time.” — Florentino Perez