Alfredo Di Stefano Real Madrid Personal Letter President Tribute Match – 1964
Rare personal letter to Alfredo Di Stefano from the manager - 1964
Letter is regarding a tribute match for the president of the club and has been hand signed at the bottom by the manager - A. Calderon
Letter is on official Real Madrid headed paper with Real Madrid club logo embossed at the top and dated August 8th 1964
Hand typed letter reads :
Sr. Don Alfredo Di Stefano.
mi querido amigo
anoche hable con el presidente y me encargo que informara a usted delas dificultades que existen para encontrar un gran equipo, que participe en su partido-homenaje.
al desistir el river plate de su venida aeuropa y de actuar en ese encuentro, como en principio acepto, hemos hecho otras gestiones que no han tenido resultado.
Por lo tanto, la jumta directiva se ha visto obligada a aplazar su homenaje hasta otra fecha, en la que sea posible encontrar un equipo que realce debidamente la importancia y brillantez que esta acto debe tener, como todos pretendemos.
El presidente desea tambien que le comunique que le releva a usted del compromiso que habia contrai do con el, de no tomar ninguna decision hasta despues de dicho partido homenaje, para no perjudicar le con motivo de esta forzoso aplazamiento.
Reciba un saludo afectuoso de su buen amigo
A CALDERON - Gerente
Mr. Don Alfredo Di Stefano.
my dear friend
I spoke with the president last night and I am in charge of informing you of the difficulties that exist in finding a great team that will participate in his tribute match.
As the river plate desisted from its coming to Europe and from acting in that meeting, as I accept in principle, we have taken other steps that have not been successful.
Therefore, the board of directors has been forced to postpone its tribute until another date, in which it is possible to find a team that duly highlights the importance and brilliance that this act should have, as we all want.
The president also wishes that you inform him that he relieves you of the commitment you had made with him, not to take any decision until after said tribute party, so as not to harm you by reason of this forced postponement.
Receive a warm greeting from your good friend
A CALDERON - Manager
Incredibly rare item from the personal collection of Alfredo Di Stefano
Museum example item

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“Di Stefano was the most important player in the history of Real Madrid and the best footballer of all time.” — Florentino Perez